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Benefits of Vaccines, Part 2: Avoiding Harmful Diseases

As we discussed last month, vaccination is a viable way to shield yourself and your loved ones from certain diseases and their painful or frustrating effects. Simply put, vaccines help keep your body safe and healthy, which can help protect others you encounter, too.

This month, we’re taking a closer look at vaccines and analyzing the more serious benefits of getting vaccinated. 

Diseases that Vaccines Fight Against Are Still Prevalent

There are only two cases throughout history where harmful viruses (smallpox and rinderpest) have been eradicated thanks to vaccine strategies. All other vaccine-preventable viruses and diseases remain a prevalent threat to the unvaccinated. By staying on schedule with your vaccinations, you can ensure your safety against dangerous yet preventable diseases.

A Lack of Vaccination Could Lead to Serious Illness or Death

For some, catching the flu means a day of fever and a few days of bed rest. For others, it could result in a life-threatening or even fatal infection. 

There are many vaccine-preventable viruses that can seriously harm those who catch them, including:

  • Influenza
  • COVID-19
  • Whooping cough
  • Pneumococcal disease
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus

Age Can Increase Your Likelihood of Becoming Sick

As your body ages, your immune system begins to show the “wear and tear” of life. Older bodies produce fewer immune cells, including white blood cells, and present cells do not respond as fast to harmful germs and bacteria. Because of this change on a cellular level, older people tend to respond worse to infection. Their systems struggle to prevent viruses from entering, and they find it much more difficult to fight infection after it has taken hold. 

Vaccines, however, help give older immune systems the boost they need to protect against harmful diseases. 

Sickness Is Not Cheap

The cost of treatment for a vaccine-preventable infection can add up, even for those who can fight their illnesses at home. It can be expensive to buy over-the-counter medications, supplements, nourishing foods, and anything else you need to recover. If your illness progresses enough to require medical attention or specialized treatment, the expense will increase significantly. 

Additionally, you may have to take off days or even weeks from work to recover from your illness. Doing so could result in a loss of income if your employer does not offer paid sick leave or if you must use more than the hours you are given. 

Ready to protect against the harms of vaccine-preventable infections? Talk to Angus Lake Healthcare about our vaccinations. 

Our team can administer all leading vaccinations to help ensure the health and safety of those at your facility. Schedule a vaccination appointment for your facility today: 478-233-1828.