What to Expect with Compliance Packaging for Medications

Compliance medication packaging, sometimes called customized medication packaging or adherence packaging, involves organizing a patient’s medications into single-use packages for easy regimen maintenance.
Compliance packaging divides a patient’s medications by the day and time they are to be taken, allowing the patient to consume the proper medications on a regular schedule. If a patient takes three pills in the morning and two in the evening, compliance packaging groups the pills into a morning and evening package, so the patient will take the correct medicines at each time.
What You Can Expect with Compliance Packaging
There are several benefits your facility can expect from compliance medication packaging, including:
Compliance packaging allows you to conveniently distribute your patients’ medications throughout the day. It also lightens your team’s pharmaceutical workload.
Instead of requiring a team member to divide out and distribute every patient’s medication regimen throughout the day every day, compliance packaging simplifies the process, allowing your team to provide the right pouch to their patients according to each individual’s schedule.
Time Improvement
Related to convenience, compliance packaging helps your team save time organizing and distributing medications throughout your facility. Workers can direct their efforts and attention elsewhere since compliance packaging diminishes the need to sort out every patient’s medication regularly.
Compliance packaging helps protect your facility from performing unintentional errors or administering the wrong drugs at the wrong time. When all dosages for a patient are divided up and packaged together according to the day and time they are to be taken, you minimize the likelihood of your facility incorrectly distributing medications or performing a related error.
It may sound obvious, but compliance packaging keeps your patients compliant with their medication regimen. It protects them from harm or injury due to accidental pharmaceutical misuse. By providing each patient with the right pills to take on any given day at any given time, you remove the threat of someone forgetting a medication or taking too many.
Are you interested in benefiting your facility with compliance packaging? Talk with Angus Lake Healthcare today.
We offer accurate, cost-effective compliance packaging services to benefit your patients and your facility. Schedule a consultation with our pharmacists today to learn more: 478-233-1828.
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